Friday, May 2, 2008

A spoonful of sugar...

In every job that must be done
There is an element of fun
You find the fun and snap!
The job's a game.
And every task you undertake
Becomes a piece of cake
A lark! A spree! It's very clear to see...
Good song, huh? I'd never thought about the first part of the song, A Spoonful of Sugar, from Mary Poppins, until just this morning. I am embarking on a second education. No, not a higher, higher education, just a second one. I am going back to school for a second bachelors (this time a BS not a BA so a little different) because I figured out what I wanted to do when I grew up a few years into already being grown up. This fact is, admittedly, really bothering me. In my "plans" I would have already "arrived" by now. Arrived is such an interesting thing though I guess and kinda vague...but it's a faulty thought process I have that does make my life hard. I like being there, not getting there. Case in vacations. My parents were amazing at taking us on family vacations as kids. Apart from the New York, Nauvoo, and DC trips, everything else was done in the car. That includes yearly trips to Mammoth mountain, a Yosemite trip, an awesome Oregon/Washington/Canada trip, New Mexico (parts of which are surprisingly well, alive) including the Grand Canyon, beach trips, etc. It was great. Guess what I did the whole time. Sleep. I slept through some of the most beautiful parts of our country because I just wanted to be at our destination. Wow huh! Well this is a tale tell sign. I don't like the process of learning and growing up. I want to be finished. I keep thinking of two years from now. This is what it includes: graduation, job lined up for teaching, longer hair, smaller waist, and more. Even then I get to thinking ahead of that and want to be at the end of my first year teaching (again) and be engaged...but what then...fourth year teaching, married, children on the, no, no...done teaching, kids grown up, gray hair, cars paid off, retirement...dead!!! There are so many things along the way that I really want to just be able to drink in and so I am trying. Those verses from A Spoonful of Sugar are going in a cute frame I just got with old school pictures of kids jump roping and fairies and Popsicles. I need to remember to find the element of fun in the job that must be done. And I need to remember that that job is my life and learn to enjoy it.


Agirelli said...

I think all you do is fun if I get to be with you. I remember talking about this with you and I am glad you are seriously thinking about enjoying the ride there. Love Mom

Emily Fox King said...

kids jumping ropes...fairies..and popsicles...i love it. not to mention the whole paragraph about the "process" part of life.

Agirelli said...

Hey Sis!! You're an amazing writer!! It's interesting to peer into your "mind" via your written thoughts. Love you tons, Amber