Saturday, May 31, 2008

They Way Things Were

Last week my sister and her family and I went to Gardner Village in Utah. It is a cute little outdoor shopping area with the boutiques set up in little houses connected by brick paths to each other to create the feel of a village. It was lovely. Quite lovely. Why don't we use "lovely" very much anymore. Anyway, while we were there we fell in love with a shop called The Village Whites Shoppe. It had lacy pretty everything (I bought a table runner to go with serving ware I already have). While there I just thought, why don't I know how to make this stuff. Why don't I have a whole hope chest full of it. There are some traditions that die that just shouldn't. Registering for china is one of them...brides should get china. Anyway, so I thought of other things that we have made worse by making more complicated.

Eating...we'd all be healthier if we took time to eat at home with our families or friends. McDonald's would be out of business, but is that so bad. We'd have healthier bodies and smarter children (spending time talking with adults is important for them).
Working out...if we still had fields we were laboring in, instead of spending 8 hours a day on our backsides, we would not need to go indoors to work out.
Entertainment...I just spent my whole Saturday evening pretending to play tennis and go bowling. Why don't I just do those things instead of computer simulate them (the Wii is pretty fun...especially with beginners luck because I rocked the socks off of my friends).
I'm sure there are more but I'm not really trying to be down on the era I live in...some things just strike me as odd that's all.

1 comment:

MegiJones said...

I see what you're saying, but then again, I'm not a big china fan...sometimes I feel like I should get it because everyone else thinks I should have it, but really I don't want it...:)!!