Thursday, June 12, 2008

I believe in aging gracefully!

I had a thought on my way to work today. I drove by an establishment of some kind that had those little planter boxes at their windows. The place wasn't exceptionally well taken care of but the planter boxes were colorful...because there were fake flowers in them! It just looked out of place. I've seen that before. To me there is something wrong when you see fake flowers pushing out of the ground in mid winter or with fall leaves all around them. I don't like fake flowers like that. There are cycles to is unnatural for flowers to be in bloom in some seasons and they just look out of place. I realized this applies to lots of fake things. Certain architecture looks inappropriate in a mountain setting. Plastic dinnerware looks bad on nice wooden tables. Plastic looks bad in tight faces that long ago should have showed signs of well lived years. Now if I ever do get plastic surgery, just know my opinion has changed or call me a hypocrite...but if you do, call me a pretty hypocrite!


Andrea said...

funny. . .

Agirelli said...

I too believe in aging gracefully but I still have not found the true definition!! I define aging gracefully as, "Going all 12 rounds of the fight and never getting TKO'D".
Words of wisdom by Amber

Erin and Ryan said...

LOL! So true Kat! HAHAHA! I think I will get dermatological (big word, huh?) help when I get older, though. Like stuff to reduce the sun damage that I am truly trying to avoid. Did you know that Grandma Lorena had her eyelids done? But that was also for vision because they started to droop with age. So it was medical, but it made her look good too. Ain't nothin' wrong with lookin good (and hopefully you're not the only one who thinks so :)

Andrea said...

this has nothing to do with this post but Taylor the Latte Boy is a great song and it made me happy that it played when i got on your blog. that is all.

Connie de said...

Kathy, How fun to discover you on someone elses blog 'tree'. I'm new at blogging but this is my favorite part. So fun to read yours. Sara graduated and is moving to St. George to intern at the hospital. (Can you write letters on these things?) I'll stop. Love, Connie Randall

HRH said...

I thought we were getting surgery? I probably will anyway. But yeah, old things should look old, and real things are real. Let's just make sure we don't end up like Joan Rivers.