Thursday, July 17, 2008

Blind Dates and Bleu Cheese

Tomorrow I am going on my fourth blind date this summer! Wow! For one thing, "blind" is the worst description of the kind of date you go on with someone you've never met before. Eyes are wide open on blind dates! It's like a date in Provo on steroids. Many dates in this town seem to have the hovering questions of, "Would he make a good father?" or, "What kind of wedding ring could he afford?" but blind dates are ridiculous. With regular dates, two people have spent some time together, have enjoyed talking, and know they would like to spend at least another two hours together. The pressure is off...some things are already established. On a blind date though, all judgements must be made. This person is not in your regular group of people so any decision to see them again would be an effort. So, if other dates have any kind of undue pressure, blind dates surpass them all. So, what will my date reduce me to in the course of our dinner and a movie (which my roommate and I discussed as not bad if there is no interest because hey, free meal and no talking during the movie but an okay start if he is cool but please move on out of the cliche). Well, he will note that I am tall...and that I am not quiet! I had this discussion with a friend and he told me that he would describe me as flamboyant. Now, while not being a bad thing, flamboyant is not exactly synonymous with feminine, which I so want to be. This same former "friend" of mine said that at first he did not think I was his type because of that loudness but that after a while he realized he really liked me. How does that help me in a blind date situation? I have described myself as an acquired bleu cheese or Picasso (which I still am not into) I am not at first easily palatable but after a while, to the refined palate, I am a delicacy (something like that). I hate the idea that there is something that takes getting used to about me but I'm learning to roll with it. So, in case this blind date is someone I could be interested in, here's hoping he liked blue cheese the first time he tried it!


Kate said...

I liked you instantly :)

Young Family said...

You crack me up. I liked you the first time I met you. I also love blue cheese.

Jo and I met on a blind date. The first think I thought when I saw him walk up my drive way was "man, he has blonde hair." But I got over that and married him anyway.

Cherie said...

And now you have to blog on the blind date! I do have to say, I loved you from the moment I met you and still do after getting to know you!

Jillian said...

It's taken me forever to write on your blog, sorry! I like reading your posts! So, how was the blind date? About 4 people have mentioned setting me up, but none of them have actually pulled through. I'm glad to hear yours are...even as lame as blind dates can be.

Erin and Ryan said...

So, I liked you the moment I saw you! However, Mom says that you weren't too fond of me initially! I think that you shouldn't use bleu cheese to personify you...more like dark chocolate. Dark chocolate takes a refined and mature palate. Maybe the fellows you've been around are still stuck on milk chocolate (aka- they are not mature enough to recognize the delicassy that you are. They're still into the dating-type of girl). Just a thought. But I like the world of chocolate more :)

*PS-don't you think our sister should blog?

Bart and Kellie said...

Kath! I love you! I just found your of a friend, to a friend to Kirsi (who hasn't blogged in like a year and I didn't know she even had one) and now to you! I'm so happy I found you! (PS - bleu cheese is my favorite!)

MegiJones said...

Kathy- HAPPY belated birthday!! 25 is a big year for us! Sorry I'm slow at remembering your big day, but I'm thinking of you, I love you, and I hope your blind date is amazing! :) For the record, I always liked you, but if you are an acquired taste, just remember that acquired tastes last much longer and are more desirable than the instantaneous ones. :)