Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Yes I read the Twilight Series and yes I am exhausted today because yes I stayed up till 2:30. What?! I left work yesterday after having changed into my workout clothes and went to park at the park I park at to start my run. Well park I did...I got a blanket out of the trunk and grabbed my newly borrowed book to read a chapter before I went for my run. Well a chapter turned into more and before I new it I needed to get home for my dinner group. Dinner was great, thanks HRH, and then I'm off again reading. It is a beautiful cloudy day (yes perfect for a vampire book) so I read outside in the coolish weather of a glazed over hot summer day. I read, and roommates come out to read or talk but talking is not working because I'm into this book. They both, eventually, go back inside and I keep on. I faintly notice that the evening is upon me and that their are more bugs around considering that time of day but I keep going. Bless my roommate, she turns on the porch light, enabling my addiction to continue in spite of the growing dark...for a therapist that wasn't very smart but as a friend I thank her for allowing me a few extra minutes before...bloodsuckers! I'm being eaten alive! Mosquitoes of all things ruin my time with a book about their grown up friend the! I go inside to avoid the one blood thirsty creature and curl up on my couch with Oreos, milk, and the other blood thirsty creatures in my book and imagination. And I keep going. Can I just say, as an aside, that I don't even like the writing. The story is great and I just have to know what happens but the author plays the same cord over and over. Maybe she's just that good because she sounds so like a teenager. Every entrance of a character in the book is marked by sheer exultation or extreme terror and every exit by an intense loss and wonder if they will ever meet again. It's all or nothing (but usually all)! Ridiculous and yet compelling, I read on. When I know I must go to sleep and then work the next day before I get the chance to read again I am acutely (a word the book would probably overuse) aware of my similarity to the dramatic characters in the book. If only I live through this day to dive again into the cool caress of the pages I will be able to live through the rest of my life knowing that, though never in that perfect place again, I once knew what it was to be consumed by...not sure and that's where the poetry ends!


HRH said...

If the Twilight series could be diagnosed, what would it be? Bipolar? Borderline? Histrionic? Adolescent?

Kathryn the Great said...

Bipolar...I don't know're the one with the degree in this! I however wouldn't let my future 4th graders near it and I'd encourage them not to be so extreme in their own writing...we'd work on more precise and tamer adjectives! It becomes so unbelievable when it's that severe! Like the boy who cried wolf...are you really going to die in agony with your love separated from you in another will I know when you're actually in agony?

Jamie and Ben said...

Oh Kathy (or should I call you Kate?) I stumbled upon your blog and loved hearing your voice again. I completely agree with you about the Twilight series - can't seem to put the books down but the author overplays phrases and emotions like a roller coaster ride.. but I just have to continue on...

Margaret said...

good news, Im on page 150 and I have to take a short break because her nightmares are starting to freak me out. Dead bodies?? along side with a baby??? yeah, i had the same dream last night, and no thanks...ill wait till im less a loser tp start up again...give me 2 days then i'll be cool again:)

MegiJones said...

Classic! I loved the Twilight Series and Breaking Dawn was my fave I think...I miss my dramatic high school days and all of the passion that went with each day of making life much more intense than it was, so I love the book! :)