Thursday, September 4, 2008

It's a Girl!!!

I was just called by American Fork High School to be told that my daugher was there in the office not feeling well and to be asked if I gave my permission to allow them to give her Tylenol. Wow! I sure hope she feels better. I have a daughter in high much for feeling behind!!!
P.S. I did of course inform them that I am just 25 and so that would be a miracle for me to have a high schooler. The poor girl is still in pain and has not yet been given drugs.


Erin and Ryan said...

Ah hahahaha! That is hilarious! What was the baby girl's name? What a great phone call!

Andrea said...


Margaret said...

thats an amazing story! I wish someone would call me and say i have a high schooler...I think I would do the wrong thing and let them know my high school daughter could skip calss for the rest of the week:)

Blake and Alisa said...

congrats! did they call you at home or at work, we always had to call my mom at work....just kidding. any ways you totally need to put up a picture of yourself. i haven't seen you forever, do it for me...please....? -alisa