Monday, October 6, 2008

Putting the "re" in rejected

So, let's look at the suffix "re." "Re" at the beginning of a root word makes that thing happen "again," or, "over." So, to reenter means to enter again and redo means to do over. Now, I don't think "ject" in reject is a typical root word because it has no meaning on its own. But, for the sake of this blog, I have been re-rejected...rejected again, and over again. So...story begins when BFF HRH inherited tickets from her sister and 4 is the number of the both of us plus dates. Ahhh, to get a date...frustrating! I tried three times! Three times! And still didn't get a date. Now, the last one seemed like he was sad he had other plans (we received the tickets two days before the event). But the first two...I'm not was a lot like they needed to "wash their hair" that night!!! The first one said he thought he would be able to but then TEXTED that he had looked at his calender and had a big project the next day. I don't know about you, but if I even like the guy as person, I get the project/homework done in time to go on the date! Whaaaa! The second, without a heart beat's pause said, "I'm sorry, I have plans that night. But thanks for asking." That translates to the way we've been taught to gently say no to a date invitation. For being a boy, he sure knows the routine (I'm thinking boys in this town probably get asked out more than they should and so they've learned how to be on the other side...gracefully bowing out). WOW! Ouch! Pain! And yet, how fun to have the experience of being rejected outright! It' anyway! Yeah for experience! I've never been just rejected. I've never been in the position to be rejected. I've gotten hints or I've just not been asked out by guys I may be interested in, but REJECTED! Also, earlier in the month, I went after a new kid in the neighborhood (translated to, invited him to two activities I planned and spoke with him for a minute at a church not like scary...just putting myself out there). At the church activity, I'm not even joking, I'm talking to he and a friend for a grand total of 3 minutes. Their sitting down eating and I join them. He then goes to "get seconds" and never comes back! Then, his wing man that I stay talking to, ups and leaves too and, no we're not in a group with other people to talk to. He leaves, and I'm sitting alone! DO I SMELL? Something is up...but back to the problem at hand..Masochistically I plowed on and got through three phone calls with no date. Then a roommate who wanted to set me up with her cousin sometime in the near future anyway decided this would be a good opportunity and saved me from more torture! It's been a (no adjective encompasses it all...annoying, interesting, trying, laughable) month!


theroyalscribe said...
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Emily Fox King said...

well said.

Young Family said...

I'm sorry. I can't believe you have such a good attitude about it though.

Kathryn the Great said...

Oh, I don't completely have a good attitude about it. "Yeah for experience," is my pep rally for myself, trying to convince myself not to cry!

Ryan and Erin said...

WAAA! My heart's like a twin thing where we share emotions...but without the twin part. You are super brave!

Jillian said...

Kathy! I feel the same way! Ah! So a story: I haven't been very good at meeting people lately so I decided to go to FHE where they were playing human foose ball. I joined a line while others were leaving. Our line turned out to be short a few people. I was standing there on the end of the short line and looked over to find 5-6 boys just standing there. I said, "Come on guys! We need more people!" They just looked at me and stayed where they were at. Seriously! This is an opportunity for them to come grab my hand (cheesey game to get the singles to hold hands yes, but still an opportunity) and get to know me. I went home thinking, "Am I THAT repulsive?". I can't be. Yes, I have some flaws, but overall I'm not too bad. Just wanted to let you know that I'm somewhat in the same boat and that I think you are wonderful.