Sunday, January 25, 2009


"Layers. Onions have layers. Ogres have layers. Onions have layers. You get it? We both have layers." ~From Shrek. Layers huh...humans have them too...but I'm mixing metaphors...I got on to write a blog about masks. Forget the first line. So I recognize that sometimes I hide behind a mask. I'm what they call a very "open" person. But am I? I'm not sure...perhaps I show what I want to show. I was just thinking as I left a social situation tonight that I play light and fluffy. I'm not sure what subconscious mumbo jumbo goes on there (guarding or not wanting to get hurt I don't think apply here) but I wonder if no one really gets a good glimpse of me. I mean that is a part of who I am; out going and fun and light. But there is more for sure...but how much of that do you show? But you've gotta show some so that people can get beyond the show. But what of the "real" do you show...I can't do broody, which I think is more intriguing...hmmm. I know I've played the silly card to keep a distance between me and people I felt were getting closer than I wanted them, not in a "I need to keep myself safe, keep your distance way" but in a "No, we're not going down that road because I'm not interested way." I just wonder if I inadvertantly do the same thing to people I actually do want to get close to. Hmm...a vibe is such a delicate thing. I have no solution and I'm not really thinking to hard about was just a random thought. I'm just sayin' is all.....

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