Monday, February 23, 2009


I read the words recently, "comfort those that stand in need of comfort"...which may or may not be familiar to you. Anyway, they struck me differently this read. They do not say to comfort those who deserve comfort, comfort those who did not inflict their discomfort on themselves, comfort those who it's easy to comfort, or comfort those with a pretty face! My job is to comfort those with a need. Sometimes I don't understand the need, or I think the person is a big wallower and they just need to snap out of it, or I think they are making a bigger deal of something... not my place to decide. They need it, they get it.

Side: A psychology thing is that whatever the person believes their reality to be, so it is. I worked with a church leader and a young woman with major trials, some of which seemed to be in her head. He also happened to be a doctor and he just explained, that reality or not, what she was suffering from was her reality. Watched a movie called Lars and the Real Girl. A whole community supports a young man who is in love... with an imaginary woman. Their support helps him work through some emotional and mental scars he had from childhood. They validated his need and the need was filled. Anyway, random and wonderful.


HRH said...

It's hard to find the balance between enabler and comforter. That is why it's so important to really be in tune with God; only he can tell us what a person needs at any given moment -- a swift kick or a big hug.

Bryan and Lis said...

Thanks for your post. It was a good reminder to me of what I should be doing. Sometimes it seems hard though when it feels like the person is ALWAYS needing comfort. But that shouldn't matter to the comforter, if the comforter is really wanting to help.

I'd also like to say that HRH is so wise. That's why she's a social worker. We need people like her curing the ills of society. I'd like to agree with her comment. I second it. Ditto.

(p.s. Why has it been so long since we talked? I'm sorry. Let's talk soon!)

Jared said...

I LOVE "lars and the real girl" for that reason (among a long list of others)!

It's really great to see a Zion community accepting and supporting and loving someone in spite of how different their challenges might be.