Monday, August 17, 2009


Short blog:

Last week I thought about the difference between these two phrases.

I never planned on being _____. (fill in blank with, unhappy, fat, grumpy, mean, disorganized...whatever it is...)

and this

I planned on never being_____. (same adjective...)

One is a backward glance at what should not have been but was, accidentally, anyway. The other is the forward thinking planning for what is wanted and not wanted in life. I imagine that it is not unhappy, fat, grumpy, mean, disorganized, etc. people who say, "I planned on never being_____." If they planned against those things they didn't want and for the things they did, then they are likely happy, healthy, kind, etc. The Cheshire Cat is known for having this conversation with Alice (and for little else I imagine, including for the place Cheshire, from which the fictional character is supposed to have come and which is not addressed at all in the story):

Alice: I was just wondering if you could help me find my way.
Cheshire Cat: Well that depends on where you want to get to.
Alice: Oh, it really doesn't matter, as long as...
Cheshire Cat: Then it really doesn't matter which way you go.

It matters to me very much which way I go and so I plan on being happy, healthy, kind, etc. and I work toward that little by little so I never have to use the phrase, " I never planned on being_____." Because I did...I did plan on being...I planned on being quite a lot!


Jessie's Jargon said...

Your posts are always so inspiring. You plan on being a lot, and you most certainly are. You are a joy to be around and I'm glad I can count you as a friend. :)

Tracy said...

You inspire me... that is all I can say.

Bryan and Lis said...
