Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Today I had a funny little conversation with my supervisor after he had given me a little assignment. I was leaving work in 20 minutes but said I would do it before I left. In an attempt to make it clear to me that there was no rush and that it could wait till tomorrow he used the word "fail" in this context: "If for some reason you fail, I'm in no hurry so don't worry about it." I responded with, "I will not fail...but I may put off succeeding until tomorrow." HA! I'm so brilliant. That is exactly what life struggles are all about...trying, failing for the present just to put off succeeding for another day. I'm not saying procrastinate success but realize that, if it doesn't come right away, it will in time. It's like Christmas... The presents waiting under the tree create anticipation! Or purposely hoarding your Halloween candy just to be the only kid in the family with some still left over at Thanksgiving (I was never this child...Erin was). This sounds fun and all but typically current set backs are not seen this way (I may or may not be speaking from personal experience). I'm just saying though, things will work out. I am saving my successful career till next fall for example! (Wink, wink)

"I do not fail! But at times, I may be required to put off success until tomorrow!"


Young Family said...

You are oh so wise.

Tracy said...

oh how I love these random break out into dance video's. I really like the Sound of Music one... and also the Black Eyed Peas concert one on Opera. Good times. I would one day like to participate in one of them.