Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Red Hair Girl, I salute you!!

Today I was driving back to work from my lunch break and I saw the coolest hair ever. My first instinct was, "Whoa!" in a bad way. But then, I looked again, and I approved. The girl had a pretty face and the weirdest/most amazing urban/classy/business sense of style. She was coming out of Guru's which also helps define her type (the "I'm cool in a way that's not normal trendy but yes, still trendy in my own way" restaurant in town). I needed to put my finger on the red. It was not the normal orange/autumn of a natural red head or the maroon/purple of a fake red. I kept thinking and it came to's superhero red. Yep...I couldn't decide how to explain it other than superhero red. I could picture it in any comic strip or cartoon for that matter. I'll have to check with Crayola of course. I think they're the ones who coin color names. Anyway, in that moment, driving down Center Street, she was my hero! Red Hair Girl, I salute you!

1 comment:

HRH said...

I always wished to have shiek (sp?), superhero hair too, in a blue or purple maybe.