Thursday, November 20, 2008

Fall Photo Shoot

As roommates we took a really long walk on a Saturday in the middle of October. We had fun and yes we're silly girls! I believe in the fall and dark chocolate hair against oranges and reds! I'm definitely made for fall!
And here's one of Megan at the gelato place (Maestro's on Center...check it out|). It's a pretty artsy one...I think I did a good job. Photobucket
And here's one of Jenny looking mysterious and sultry...Photobucket


Jacquie Huang said...

Looks like a blast, Kathy... I'm really missing the beautiful Utah fall that seems to last for months. Good shots, too!

Nicole said...

okay, don't think i'm a stalker, but i keep getting these emails about the byu alumni directory and thinking i don't really need it except to look up friends that i've lost touch with, like YOU and well, lately i've been staying up late with my four month old and blogging a lot and thought maybe i'd google your name and lo and behold you have a blog, yay! so here i am, hello.