Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Halloween Haunted Gingerbread Houses

Before Halloween, I had a group of friends over to make Haunted Gingerbread Houses. We had black graham crackers and orange frosting (the kind made from egg whites, powdered sugar, and cream of tartar...it was like cement). I have some creative friends. My group did a Gothic cathedral. Another group did a grave yard (complete with fondant grave occupants and bones) and another did a toilet. A toilet complete with very real looking contents which caused a gag reflex the next morning cleaning it out (the put a plastic bowl in the middle and stuff in it).

Picture to left is of Rob and Megan being sneaky about their creation...they thought everyone was out to get them and steal their ideas. There would have been no way because it was pretty awesome.

Yes, this picture is of my friends eating the pumpkin bread. They're pretty cute, the creations were pretty cute...I'm pretty cute...all cute! And I realize I didn't get a picture of myself that night...so here's me at Halloween! I was a flapper girl. This is me with a couple other flappers I met that night. I'll be honest, the way I figure out what I want to be is to find something that I can wear eyelashes or glitter or whatever...just something pretty! I was the princess kind, not the gory kind growing up. (Note: I looked up what a flapper girl actually entailed to be sure that I wasn't portraying anything risque. The roaring 20's was a time of change for girls...they kind of had a little big of an edge to them. They smoked and shortened their hair and wore shorter skirts. It was kind of an eat, drink, and be merry time...guys were just getting back from the first WW and everyone was just glad to still be alive. The term, "flapper" is attributed to the young, immature (doesn't apply to me ;)
) girl and came from the way young birds flap as they start/attempt to grow up and assert themselves...I admit that part does apply to me.)

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Yay!!! Im so glad you did your spooky ginger bread houses! Everytime I saw something that had grahm crackers and candy I thought of you. Hope everything is wonderful at ISAT!