Friday, May 2, 2008

Words of Wisdom

Since I'm a future and former educator (not current) then I thought I should start promoting literacy. I'm in a great children's literature class right now and last night's reading taught me a new term. Aliterate! Aliterate apparently describes someone who can read but doesn't. I know I was aliterate growing up. While my sister was inside reading, I'd go outside and jump rope by myself. Books just didn't interest me. I loved being read to by my mother. She's an elementary school teacher and she read just like she should with emphasis and everything. I also liked the books I read at school but at home I just had too much else to do (Barbies, bikes, and yes...TV). Anyway, the book, or rather the author, also said that he had read over a library door the saying, "The person who can read, and doesn't, is no better than the person who can't read." (Children's Literature Briefly, Michael O. Tunnell and James S. Jacobs, Pearson Education Inc., 2008) So, I've become a reader, more recently than I would like to admit, and right now I'm reading Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen, for the same class. All of this intro just because I wanted to share a sentence out of the book that struck me; talk about long winded. The main character is in an airplane for the first time. Not just an airplane, but a little one, and he's riding in the copilot's seat! The old pilot teaches him how to use the steering wheel (called something different in planes) and the pedals. He's hesitant but the pilot encourages him with, "Good plane like this almost flies itself." After a successful try the boy says, "It's easy. At least that part." I found the pilot's response to that comment very encouraging to the hesitant feeling some have for learning new things. He says, "All of flying is easy. Just takes learning. Like everything else. Like everything else." Wow! I think the same concept applies to how 3rd graders think 6th grade is scary but 5th graders may not because it's just the next step in their progress. There's progress again. Anyway, I think I'll frame it or something. ;)


Emily Fox King said...

side note: that bon jovi music freaks me out everytime i turn to your blog. it's spooky, sounds like the deep throaty bass of a doberman pincher about to snap my head off in one crunch of his slobbery jaws!

Terry Doherty said...

Sounds like you have a headstart on being a very successful educator ~ understanding students who don't view themselves as 'studious.' Bravo.

The Reading Tub(r)

Mrs. Schmalison said...

Hiya Kathy!! I talked to your mom at Albertsons the other day and she says your doing great. I cant see you not reading, you're such a smart cookie!! I hope you're doing well!

Rinez said...

Kathy, you're so full of thought! Congrats on going back to school! (I found out from your Mom) You're going to be a great school teacher!