I can't help but laugh every time I drive by a storage unit and read a sign that says something like "Bulldog Self-Storage" or "Wilson's Self-Storage." Now what exactly is being stored? When you think about what happens by attaching "self" at the beginning of a word, as a type of prefix, it usually means about the same thing and that, I hope, is not what it means in this case. In the case of self-help Books, one reads up on a topic in order to help one's self learn something new. If one is self-righteous, then they put themselves above. If one is self-depreciating, they put themselves below. But where do they put themselves in the case of self-storage? I picture something like the case of a wholly mammoth found in some frozen part of the world but instead a human in a huge block of ice in some kind of chilled storage unit. Maybe they should rethink the name of the whole business... it is not "self" that is being stored but "junk belonging to self." Couldn't they call it instead, "Wilson's Storage of Stuff You Don't Use Now and Won't Use Later but Will keep for Ten years and Then Throw Out?" Maybe that'd be a little long... And if they are using "self" to mean stuff belonging to self, why does that qulifier need to be included... I'm not going to store someone else's stuff! If I robbed someone and had their stuff instead of mine and didn't have room for it in my house, would I still be allowed to store it at a Self-Storage unit place.
"Hey, can I store this here?"
"Is it yours?"
"Nope, I'm 'borrowing' it from the rich family up on the hill whose place got broken into last week."
"Oh yeah. Okay then. You can't store it here. You'll have to go over to 'Dan's Stuff You Snagged Storage"... next block over."
"K...thanks for the help."
Back to the idea of actually storing yourself for later, I ended up trying to think of why that would be a good idea. This is what I came up with: anybody living in the 80's may have wanted to just hold off ten years to avoid the whole mullet thing; someone socially awkward from the 1950's may have wanted to wait until our technology based time to live so they could have a virtual social life from the comfort of their own basement bedroom; a garbage man from a few years ago may have wanted to continue his career now that they have those arm things that will lift the garbage cans for him...I'm sure there are more. (Please share any you think of!)
***I could take this to a deeper level with something to the affect of, "Don't put your life on hold...LIVE NOW!"...but I'm not going to...
What a waste of a potentially great life, to put yourself in storage. Do you ever want to sneak in those places to see how many selves have been stored?
HAHAHAHA i seriously love the way you think. that's deep girl, way deep. i'm talkin sacrament talk right there.
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